Lorraine White
Lorraine White has lived and worked most of her life in Rockhampton. Having great passion for the area’s business and tourism products she firmly believes Rockhampton offers opportunities for growth and prosperity.
She has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Rockhampton Enterprise Centre since July 1995, and has many years of experience in working with both for profit and not-for-profit organisations, is a qualified workplace trainer and assessor in the area of business and business facilitation, holds a Master of Business Administration (International Business) and currently undertaking a Master of Business (Research), a member of the Australasian Institute of Enterprise Facilitators, Australian Institute of Management, as well as a Member of the Rotary Club of Rockhampton, which promotes networking with business professional people covering all industry types.
Elected to the Australia and New Zealand Association of Business Incubators (ANZABI) board member in 1997 as a Queensland representative. This position enabled her to learn more about what is working in other Centres worldwide and to adapt according to what will work in Rockhampton to further assist fledgling regional businesses.
The Rockhampton Enterprise Centre is an incubator as well as a business enterprise centre providing premises, assistance and support to new and existing businesses in Rockhampton and surrounding districts. With incubators providing a positive environment for fledgling businesses to grow she felt that the leadership behaviour of the incubator manager may have an important effect on the outcomes of the incubatee; therefore, she is pursuing an academic passion in her own time into researching an answer to this question.