AIBEF Membership
Benefits of Membership
Member Benefits include:
Recognition of the professional qualifications of Member of the Institute of Business and Enterprise Facilitators (MAIBEF) and Fellow of the Institute of Business and Enterprise Facilitators (FAIBEF) in Australia and New Zealand.
The ability to use the post-nominals, MAIBEF and FAIBEF in promoting their activities and achieve:
- credibility/validation as an enterprise facilitator
- a premium for services
- client confidence and direct benefits to their business
- secure and regular employment/use as a business facilitator and enhanced market/business opportunities
Personal confidence and increasing business:
- through business support organisations including training providers and centres increasingly requiring counselors/advisers to be professionally trained and experienced facilitators
- achieved through the formal recognition of practitioner skills
- by becoming preferred contractors.
The sharing of knowledge and skills and growth of new business through:
- peer networking and interchange of ideas with other Members and Fellows
- peer mentoring of other Members and potential Members
- enabling contacts (formal and informal) with peer organisations and alliances
Regular electronic Newsletters and communications that:
- disseminate news of major developments in the business support industry
- notify Members of relevant conferences and events
- keep Members up to date with current issues
- notify Members about opportunities in professional development
Development of business facilitation skills and knowledge through the provision of:
- and notification of opportunities to participate in ongoing targeted and specific professional development
- of access to professional development in recommended training courses
- the best and most up to date information on business and training/facilitation.
Representation to others (government and non-government) on Members behalf on issues affecting business facilitation.
The potential to obtain lower-cost professional indemnity and risk management insurance that reduces the likelihood of having a claim
The promotion and marketing of members skills and experience to those needing business facilitator services.