Carol Hanlon

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Carol Hanlon established WA based non-profit community organization Belmont Business Enterprise Centre Inc. (BEC) in 1994 and in the following years founded the Textile Clothing Footwear Resource Centre WA Inc. (TCFWA), Designedge Fashion Incubator, TCF Australia and TCF Global. Carol’s projects have assisted over 22,000 small businesses in WA and across Australia with small business advisory, training, mentoring and support services. Carol has developed a TCF Global network of many thousands in over 30 countries and facilitated a number of village sewing projects in developing countries.

Carol has been acknowledged for her community based small business projects with many local, state and national awards since the late 1970’s when as a fashion designer in Victoria ran her own manufacturing, wholesale, retail and export business for 20yrs.

Twice awarded Best National BEC Manager; served as a Local Government councillor; President Australasian Institute of Enterprise Facilitators; Past President Belmont Business Professional Women (BPW); Graduate Australian Institute of Company Directors; Finalist WA Citizen of the Year Award, Commerce & Industry Category; recognised by City of Perth as ‘100 Champions of WA’; inducted in the inaugural 2011 WA Women’s Hall of Fame;

Carol was selected as an Australian Government Delegate, Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) Women in the Economy Forum, Russia

Hosted an ‘Empowering Creative Women through Enterprise Development’ seminar NGO Forums during the United Nations – Commission on the Status of Women 56 (CSW56) New York

Conference Convenor, 3rd International Fashion Incubators Conference, Perth Australia

Presented at 2 Sessions in New York, NGO Forums of the United Nations – Commission on the Status of Women (CSW55) on Asia – Women in Enterprise and Migrant Women

Conference Convenor, Small Business Development Conference, Perth

Carol Hanlon, GAICD, MIEF PO Box 370 | Cloverdale. WA 6985 P | 61 8 9479 3777 Email | | | | | | |